Join Us: Embrace the Spirit of Unity in the Michigan Traditional Karate Circuit Program

Our vision is to bring together the wealth of knowledge, experience, and passion that each dojo contributes to the martial arts community in Michigan. By collaborating on a unified program, we aim to enhance the traditional karate experience for practitioners across the state and foster a sense of unity and camaraderie within the Michigan karate community.

Key Objectives of the Michigan Traditional Karate Circuit Program:

  1. Promoting Traditional Karate Values: Our program seeks to uphold and promote the traditional values and principles inherent in karate, including respect, discipline, and continuous self-improvement.
  2. Creating Inclusive Events: By combining our efforts, we can organize inclusive events that cater to a broad range of participants, ensuring that practitioners of all ages and skill levels have opportunities to engage in meaningful and challenging competitions.
  3. Knowledge Sharing: Collaboration provides a platform for senseis to share their expertise, insights, and teaching methodologies. This exchange of knowledge can benefit both instructors and students alike, contributing to the overall growth of the traditional karate community in Michigan.
  4. Strategic Planning: Together, we can strategically plan and organize a series of well-coordinated events throughout the year, maximizing the impact of traditional karate in Michigan and providing a platform for our students to showcase their skills and dedication.

How You Can Contribute:

We invite you to actively participate in the planning and execution of the Michigan Traditional Karate Circuit Program. Your valuable input, experience, and commitment will play a crucial role in shaping the success of this collaborative initiative.

Please join us for an initial meeting on TBD at TBD, where we can discuss in more detail how we can work together to create a thriving and unified traditional karate circuit in Michigan.

To confirm your interest or if you have any initial thoughts or suggestions, please register at this link: Register – Michigan Traditional Karate Circuit (

We believe that by joining forces, we can elevate the traditional karate experience in Michigan and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come. We look forward to your positive response and the opportunity to work together for the betterment of traditional karate in our state.

Thank you for considering this invitation, and we anticipate a fruitful collaboration ahead.

Yours sincerely,

Oscar Silvera
(734) 365-6925 call/text